Fitness Coaching and Community For Men

We help men burn fat, build muscle, and improve strength through our simple workout and nutrition protocols.

Download The Ultimate Guide To Packing On 10 Lbs Of Lean Muscle Mass and Burning 10 Lbs of Fat

How Does The 10/10 Program Help Me Burn Fat, Build Muscle, and Increase Total Strength?

Strength Training Program

The strength program is designed to be maximally efficient and effective for building muscle and getting stronger. Our clients are busy and that's why most men on this program are only working out 3 days each week.

Flexible Dieting

Our clients follow a flexible dieting approach, which allows them to eat what they want while still staying within their 'budget' - with no need to meticulously track food. This is key for long-term and sustainable progress. We've worked with almost all eating styles...except vegan. Meat lovers are welcomed here.

Accountability and Coaching

This program provides 100% access to your coach, resources, templates, 1 on 1 coaching calls, and access to our community to ensure you're getting the results that you desire. Unfortunately because this is a highly accountable program, there is no more hiding behind your excuses (so be prepared for serious results)

Personal Growth With Other Like-Minded Men

You can't build the physical body you want while ignoring the mental and spiritual growth needed to truly transform. There's no better way to level up your health than by getting around other men pursuing the same thing for themselves and their family

Get Fit For Life. Apply For The 10:10 Coaching Program

Many men have gotten soft and weak due to small compromises they’ve made over time in their words and actions when it comes to their health. We created a coaching program to help restore the strength of the man Inside and Out (without spending your life counting calories or living at the gym).

At Inside Out Strength, we know you are the kind of man who wants to be a strong, confident, and bold leader.

In order to be that way, you need a body that matches the warrior mind and spirit that’s inside of you.

The problem is you’ve been making small compromises when it comes to your health, which makes you feel guilty and lacking confidence.

We believe compromising on integrity and excellence in your health is robbing you of your strength and creating weak, soft men.

We understand you're already crushing it in other areas of your life, and it can feel challenging to find the time to take care of yourself the way you deserve.

That’s why we’ve created a proven framework to help you lose 10 lbs of fat and build 10 lbs of lean muscle with as little as 90 minutes a week working out.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You follow the Inside Out Strength protocol
  2. You make small changes to your diet (without giving up the foods you love)
  3. You get around a coach and other men that will provide you with accountability every step of the way.

Apply for our 10/10 coaching program, so that you can stop making excuses for why you look and feel the way that you do, and start building a strong body, mind, and spirit that is not easily broken.

You might be thinking:

  • I don’t have the time right now to commit to this
  • I’ve tried other programs before and they haven’t worked
  • I’m not disciplined enough to follow a program
  • I’ll focus on my health later
  • I don’t need to look like a bodybuilder

Many of our clients start with similar reservations, and that’s exactly why we’ve designed our coaching program the way that we have.

Our strength protocol only asks you to spend 2-3 days each working out, with each workout only being 30-60 minutes.

These workouts are designed to be hard, to get you strong, and to improve your overall health and body composition in less time.

We believe you should be able to get amazing results without having to spend your whole life inside of a gym.

Most clients that have gone through this program have tried, on average, close to a dozen other programs or diets before starting ours.

This program is far different from other programs as it is:

  • Designed by Doctors that specialize in body composition, strength building, and longevity
  • Built on principles that go beyond just the physical side of losing weight and building muscle
  • The program is performed alongside other high performing men
  • It teaches you the keys to long-term transformation without relying on willpower or discipline alone
  • It is designed for the busy individual that only has 2-3 hours each week to commit to working out.

Hormones and muscle building potential begins to decrease as soon as you're in your 30s.

The longer you wait on getting started, the harder it will be to reverse weight gain and muscle loss that happens with less activity.

While it’s true you don’t need to get jacked, swole, or look like a bodybuilder (although we can show you how to do that without spending more than 2-3 hours in the gym), you are responsible for taking care of the one body you’ve been given.

It’s about more than how you look - it’s about the promises you’re keeping (or not keeping) to yourself and the example you’re setting for those around you.

Apply for a spot in the 10/10 program by clicking below.

Apply For The 10/10 Coaching Program And Talk With A Coach

I'm Dr. Dave Paczkowski, Physical Therapist, Strength Coach, and Founder of Inside Out Strength

I've tried keto, CrossFit, intermittent fasting, paleo, bodybuilding, and everything in between...but I kept 'failing'

I kept blaming the program that overpromised results and underdelivered.

I saw success on each one of these for a few weeks or a few more months before my results came to a screeching halt.

Sound familiar?

I would blame the program and blame external circumstances (no time, too busy, no accountability) until I found a new program that was the next best thing to help me look and feel my best.

Rinse and repeat.

It took me years of this cycle until I finally matured enough to grow a pair and look in the mirror instead.

I didn't like what I saw externally - but that was only a reflection of hundreds of internal compromises that got me there.

I was filled with doubt, shame, guilt, and failure.

The problem wasn't in the program - the problem was inside of me.

Until I won the battle of my mind and my spirit - no new program was going to save me.

And choosing to fight that battle has been the best choice I've ever made (for my mind, body, and spirit).

I'm not here to promise another new way of eating or working out that will magically transform your body.

You will see physical transformations you'll be excited about - but it won't be because of the program alone.

It'll be through finally having the integrity, accountability, and belief that you're worth making those changes AND sustaining them for years to come.

And it's not complicated, fancy, or full of hacks.

But it does require doing the tough work week in and week out for years to come.

If you're not ready for that, that's okay.

It took me years to finally be ready to make the real changes that needed to.

But if you are interested in getting off the cycle of results - falling off the wagon - regret...

Then let's chat.

Even if you're not ready to hire a coach - I'll help you identify the next steps you need to take to reach your next level.

Click below to set something up.

-Dr. Dave

Set Up A Call With Dr. Dave

"The 10/10 Coaching Program has been life-changing for me. To be honest, I was a little skeptical at first when I saw the investment of time and money that had to be put into the program but I can't tell you how happy I was to take the leap of faith into transforming into a better me. You start to see results even within the first week with the coaching provided. Dave provided helpful advice in all areas that helped me in the direction that I wanted to go. This program has truly guided me to be the best I can be."

- Mike

"Working with Dave and a community of goal-oriented men helped me synthesize my priorities amidst intense demands of work and life. Balancing my faith, family, and fitness while working long hours is not easy, but investing the time to organize and strategize with Dave was key to aligning my life with my values"

- Gavin

"The 10/10 Program was something I was really looking forward to when I heard about it. Within a few weeks of the program I really started to reap the benefits of it! Dave is incredibly helpful and responsive with questions/suggestions and I would definitely recommend the program for people looking to take their fitness and workout routine to the next body feels great!"

- Micah

Download The Ultimate Guide To Packing On 10 Lbs Of Lean Muscle Mass and Burning 10 Lbs of Fat.

Learn The 5 Step Blueprint To Improving Strength, Body Composition, and Durability (With Free Training Program and Nutritional Protocol Included)

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