Helping Men Create A Lifestyle That Helps You Burn Fat, Build Muscle, and Boost Confidence..For Life

All The Tools You Need To BuildĀ Muscle, Burn Fat, and Maintain a Body You're Confident In (For Life)

I help busy Dad's unlock their true Dad strength and build a Dad bod that their proud of.

If you have:

  • 10 (or more) pounds of fat to lose
  • 10 (or more) pounds of muscle you'd like to add to your frame
  • 3 hours (or less) a week to workout
  • A desire to get strong physically (and mentally too)
  • Want to set a better example for your wife and your kids

Fill out the form below and let's chat

Hope to talk to you soon,

Dr. Dave

Apply ForĀ A Spot In Our '10:10' Coaching Program ByĀ Filling Out The Form Below