TheĀ Inside Out Strength Blog

Simple and practical strength training and nutrition strategies for thoseĀ looking to build muscle and burn fat (without spending their life at the gym)

The Standard #003 - Complete Fitness Checklist, Staying The Course, You're Never Ready May 02, 2024

Hey Legacy Lifters,

Welcome to another edition of The Standard: The Disciplined Road To Building Stronger Kingdom Men.

It's not enough to wait until the time is right to start ...

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The Standard #002 - Fat vs Muscle, Thinking + Acting Big, How To Wait Apr 25, 2024

*Below is a preview of The Standard - an email that goes out to our list every single week. If you want to be added to the list so that you don't miss content like this, make sure to click here and...

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The Standard #001 Apr 18, 2024

Hey Legacy Lifters,

Welcome to the first edition of The Standard: The Disciplined Road To Building Stronger Kingdom Men.

As men, whether we like it or not, we're called to a higher standard. We...

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Is Sugar Really That Bad For You? Lessons Learned 3 Months Into Quitting Sugar Apr 04, 2024

At the end of 2023, I felt a strong conviction to give up all added sugar for the entire year of 2024. Writing this at the start of April 2024 - I’m currently 3 months into my year long...

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What Separates Good Workout Programs From Great Ones? Mar 29, 2024

What separates good workout programs from great ones?

Workout programs are a dime a dozen, and you can find millions of them with a simple Google search.

Some of those are great programs. Some are...

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Should You Track Your Calories? Mar 21, 2024

I'm sure you know a friend (or at the very least, a social media 'influencer') who's lost weight without counting calories.

He's probably the same friend that tries to sell you on that same...

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Fat Loss Checklist Mar 14, 2024

It's normal to overcomplicate what's really needed to burn fat, build some lean muscle, and boost your overall energy and confidence

I believe the more simple and sustainable you can make...

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What Men's Health Is Actually About (And Why It's WAY More Than Just How You Look) Mar 08, 2024

This post originally went out to my popular weekly newsletter for Building Stronger Dads.

Click Here To Subscribe To The Newsletter And Receive Weekly Content Like This

I had some realizations...

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4 Must Haves For Getting Ripped (With Only 12 Exercises Per Week) Feb 29, 2024

In an average week of working out, I only do 12 exercises per week

The same goes for my clients that have primary goals of body recomposition (getting lean), losing weight, and building...

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The 6 Foundations To Getting Jacked, Strong, and Healthy Feb 22, 2024

I just turned 34 years old this week.

I love taking time to reflect at notable times throughout the year

A new year, a birthday, and anniversaries are some great times to do that

Looking back on...

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Why Willpower Won't Work - How To Build Good Habits (And Remove Bad Ones) Feb 14, 2024

*Below is a section from one of the chapters in my upcoming book that I've adapted for this week's article*

Have you ever relied on willpower to accomplish a goal?

How long does that end up lasting...

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Can You Pass These Strength Tests? 6 Strength Standards Every Man Should Be Able To Achieve Feb 08, 2024

Do you have purpose when it comes to your workouts and weightlifting - or are you just going through the motions?

Too many men aimlessly workout, performing the exact same workouts for months (or...

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