TheĀ Inside Out Strength Blog

Simple and practical strength training and nutrition strategies for thoseĀ looking to build muscle and burn fat (without spending their life at the gym)

3 Best Exercises to Stop Leaking with RunningĀ  physicaltherapy running womenshealth Aug 19, 2020

Have you experienced leaking when you run? Are you tired of needing to wear a pad for your runs and immediately take a shower when you get home? Has it been a few years since you’ve had your...

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How to Simplify Your Mobility Routine exerciseprogramming mobility physicaltherapy Aug 12, 2020

Are you overwhelmed or confused when it comes to where to start with your mobility routine?

Mobility is a big buzz word out there in the health and fitness world.  We all know it’s...

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The Blueprints For Eliminating Shin Splints exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy running Aug 05, 2020

“This year will be different”, you told yourself. You started out the summer eager to get back into the running scene.  It’s been years since you’ve been running but...

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Tired of Feeling like the Tin Man? Try the 3 Best Mobility Exercises For RunnersĀ  exerciseprogramming mobility running Jul 29, 2020

“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore”.  We’ve all been there, feeling like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz a morning after a long run.  What if we...

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Stop Stretching Your Neck - Try This Instead exerciseprogramming neckpain physicaltherapy Jul 28, 2020

Does your neck always feel stiff and tight?  Does it feel like no matter how much you stretch and ‘crack’ your neck that it never loosens up?  Do you find yourself massaging...

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Where Runners Are Missing the Mark To Get Rid of Achilles Tendonitis exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy running Jul 22, 2020

Calling all runners and weekend warriors alike all need to know how to take care of themselves.  By living an active lifestyle and having health goals to train for longevity we can’t let...

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The Runnerā€™s Knee Solution: 3 Strategies to Eliminate Your Knee Pain For Good exerciseprogramming kneepain physicaltherapy running Jul 15, 2020

Peanut butter and jelly.  Woody and Buzz Lightyear. Batman and Robin. Minnie and Mickey Mouse. Running and knee pain?  Wait a minute.  One of these pairs does not belong.  Of...

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3 Ways to Overcome Runner Recovery Amnesia activelifestyle exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy running Jul 08, 2020

“Beep - Beep - Beep” Alarm clocks going off and as you begin to wake up, you roll over and may think “gosh, why do I feel so stiff and sore today?”.

Do you have a case of...

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Rolled an Ankle? Now What: Try This Anti-Ankle Sprain Strategy Plan exerciseprogramming physicaltherapy running strengthtraining Jul 01, 2020

If you ask an active individual or athlete of all ages and levels if they’ve ever had an ankle sprain injury, they’ll more often than not respond with a yes.


Ankle sprains are a...

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Looking into your Sole: 4 Most Common Shoe Wear Patterns & How to Self Assess to Elevate Your Running physicaltherapy running Jun 24, 2020

Did you know that taking a look at the bottom of your shoe can give you lots of information about how you run?

As physical therapists and movement specialists we are trained to look at gait and...

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Runners Edge: How to Stay Hydrated in the Heat and Still Crush Your Goal nutrition running Jun 17, 2020

It’s summer time, the sun is out and we’re spending more time outdoors. Remaining hydrated is important to allow us to keep up with our activity level, allow our body to perform the...

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From Good to Gait: The 3 Mobility Drills Runners Should Be Doing exerciseprogramming mobility physicaltherapy running Jun 10, 2020

Whether you’re new to running or you’ve been running for 20+ years going back to the basics, the fundamentals are beneficial for you and the longevity of your training. 


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